Practise school
For Lascon it is important that young people have the opportunity to become proficient in a skill from which they will benefit all their life. Therefor it is firstly necessary to get young people excited for the job. Lascon provides this opportunity for young people to link up their education to the work in the “real” society.
Lascon has long been a recognized training company and since 2013 Lascon has received a higher qualification by Training Institute Kenteq: Lascon is an acknowledged training center. To express the status of approved training center clearly, we have set up a separate company Lascon Practice school BV.
In Lascon Praktijkschool people get their practical training in Lascon while gaining theory one day a week at an educational institution. After a training period, they are (depending on their skills) deployed in jobs where they can work in a real working situation, of course under supervision, to further their skills. High quality is used in our field by Lascon and it is our experience that, with our current way of educating, we can get our young people to reach the desired high standard.